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Welcome to add your Company Logo to the One Million Business Image, forever ! Buy Spot

Buy Spot logo

Please use the contact form below and follow the instructions before Buy Spot - $ 10.

We need your Logo - link to your website - business name and email.
Then choose your payment method and $ 10.

We will add your logo to the image as soon as we have received it and in the order we receive it.

Note: This "can" take some time as we receive many logos at once.
We ensure that your Logo will be added as soon as possible and
you will be part of the complete image with your link included.

Thank you for your participation and contribution.
We wish you good luck in the future with our marketing of your business.

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Welcome to add your Company Logo and the One Million Business Image!

To join, use the contact form above and follow the instructions before Buy Spot - $ 10. Send us your Logo - link to your website - business name and email. Next - choose your payment method and $ 10. We will add your logo to the image as soon as we have received it and in the order we receive it. Note: This can take some time as we receive many logos at once. Be sure that your Logo will be added as soon as possible and you will be part of the complete image with your link included. Thank you for your participation and contribution. We wish you good luck in the future with our marketing of your business.


We at onemillionbusinesspix support small and medium-sized businesses globally. In that manner we encourage everyone to support these important businesses. So that they can survive and / hence start up again after all the problems these have had. Everyone is equally important to us.The world needs small and medium-sized enterprises as these make up the majority of the world's businesses.They are the very heart of the world economy. Without these, even the big ones will fall. AOH