An overview of the process.
Even a seemingly simple process needs explanation as many factors affect how our website and intention are perceived.
Factors that apply to this include - time - interest - culture - ease of comprehension - technical insight and more ...
We want to make the process as simple as possible for our visitors who want to be part of our image and promote their business globally via the internet with us.
We have made a image overview that shows the process step by step, from how you can send us your logo and business information,up to after finish payment and thus become part of the internet history as a participant in our one million business pix image, and promoted forever via our website, in addition to on our social media.
We wish you good luck and welcome you to the place where you will own your part of the internet history.
For iPad and Phone
For Computer/Pc
Or - if you choose Debit or Credit Card instead of PayPal